SLS damages your skin’s natural barrier allowing toxins, chemicals and bacteria to easily invade your body and your blood stream.
SLS is a known skin & eye irritant which has been proven in an enormous amount of studies done all around the world since 1945 (hasn’t stopped the cosmetic companies using it though)! It is especially irritating to people with sensitive or damaged skin (including eczema sufferers).
In addition to this, it is a fact that SLS aggravates the occurrence of mouth ulcers. As a long time sufferer of mouth ulcers, this piece of information really intrigued me because every day I use toothpaste containing this chemical! I am now on the hunt for a good natural toothpaste (I will keep you posted).
What about your everyday handwash? Ever had a ‘moisturising’ hand wash? It most likely contains SLS (go check in your bathroom if you don’t believe me)…what a joke then that this chemical actually dries out the skin by increasing moisture loss! Pair this with the fact that it irritates your skin and you might as well be washing your hands with sandpaper.
Most shampoos also contain SLS…but hang on, don’t most shampoos claim to moisturise?
It seems to me that the cosmetic companies are taking advantage of our ignorance big time. Now is the time to start waking up to the realities of marketing…just because the bottle says that the product is amazing doesn’t mean that it is true.
And just to top it all off – for all you bronzed-up fake tan lovers out there - washing with a product containing SLS will begin stripping your tan like turps strips paint!
Please be aware of the other chemicals that are closely related to SLS:
-Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
-Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS)
-Sodium Lauryl Sulphoacetate (SLSA)
Miss Chemical Detective
References and links for further reading:
http://www.nicnas.gov.au/publications/information_sheets/existing_chemical_information_sheets/ecis_sls_pdf.pdf - Especially ‘Health and Safety Information on the Chemical’