Thursday, 4 October 2012

“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts...”

Palm fronds, golden sand, endless blue skies, hammocks and all things tropical is what I associate with coconuts....

I can now add lovely moisturised skin to the list! I began using coconut oil as a face moisturiser after a close friend raved about how wonderful it was. My skin at the time was quite dry and I had been breaking out quite a bit (which SUCKS)! Well I got almost instant results. Overnight my skin transformed and after a couple of weeks has significantly improved!

This is due to the amazing anti-bacterial and moisturising properties of coconut oil. It is full of amazing fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin E.  All of which will make your skin glow, look more youthful and feel great!

The other great thing to do with Coconut oil is EAT IT! It is one of the best oils to use in cooking because it can withstand high temperatures. Plus it is fantastic for your heart, your thyroid and your immune system.

Coconut oil can be purchased from health food shops or supermarkets in a jar for about $10. Depending on the room temperature it will be solid or liquid (If it is solid, chip a bit off and roll in your palms to liquefy it). If possible buy organic extra virgin coconut oil as it will not have been made with the use of chemicals.  

Enjoy the benefits of this tropical wonder!


Miss Chemical Detective

References and links for further reading: